Frequently Asked Questions
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- Frequently Asked Questions
1. How can I CUSTOMIZE my settings for viewing photos, VODs, rental periods, and personal information on The Arena?
Our revamped, responsive Arena design allows you to fit the page size to variable window sizes. Photos adjust to several sizes to help fit on your chosen window or screen, so try playing with the window size to get the photo image size you enjoy best.
The Arena also allows you to change certain preferences in My Account (menu bar), including how you view photos, and formats for time, even weight in your display of The Arena. There are other ways to customize your experience:
The most useful is for how you view Photo Galleries. From the Thumbnails page of a gallery, you can choose between 'One image at a time' or 'Slideshow view'. The default is 'One image at a time' so when you click on any thumbnail in a photo gallery, it shows you a large view of just that photo with options to arrow from large photo to large photo. If you wish to ALWAYS see the slideshow view, you can change your settings in My Account/Profile Information.
On every Arena page where our thousands of matches and products are displayed, you can change the order you want to see the teasers for each item using a toggle between Alphabetical; Alphabetical-Reversed; Newest to oldest; Oldest to newest (based on date of release to The Arena at BG East).RENTAL PERIODS
Arena members can rent Video on Demand matches not just for 24 hours, but for 7 days at a time as well. If you always rent for 7 days, you can change the default for rental purchases in My Account/ Profile information so you don't to change it every time you make a rental (either with Tokens, an exclusive money-saving Arena feature, or with credit card). "Own To Arena" product purchases allow the equivalent of an 'unlimited rental' for all times that you are a member of Arena. There is a My Library menu item for VODs rented, and OTAs owned on Arena, on the left side. To shop all the options, see the other menu items for VODs and OTAs. -
2. How much does it cost and how does the billing work? How will it show up on my bill? Can I join for just one month/ how do I cancel? What is Arena PLUS?
Memberships are available for
30 days recurring -- $13.95 (each 30 days)
90 days -- $34.95, and
1 year (365 days) -- $125.
ARENA PLUS -- only $79.95 (30 days recurring ONLY-- and your membership starts the day you purchase PLUS and it replaces any previous membership) this service includes all Arena features plus 25 randomly selected VODs playing free, with 6-7 changing each week. It also includes all the benefits of a regular Arena subscription/membership.You can cancel at any time using the Cancel button in My Account and your current membership period will continue until its end and NOT renew. You will not have access to any "Own to Arena" purchases after your subscription ends, but whenever you reactivate your membership these come back.
Once you have 'submitted' your credit card information using the Join Now menu, your card is automatically charged (the system is completely automated) unless it is rejected by the credit card company for some reason. If you think you have joined more than once in error with different accounts, contact us (see bottom of this page). The membership charge will say 'BGE*' on your bill.
30 DAY memberships renew automatically at the end of the membership period, but if you wish to join for only one period, simply go into 'My Account' and click 'cancel' to 'YES' once your membership is approved and active. Then your membership will not renew unless you 'uncancel' or decide to join again later.
Your credit card is billed for your membership at the rate for the period you choose. Memberships last until the anniversary date on which your credit card was submitted to us. One month-recurring is 30 days ($13.95), 3 months is 90 days ($34.95), and one year is 365 days ($125).
For example, if you join on March 5 for 30, your membership will run for 30 days until April 4. On that date, the credit card number in 'My Account' records will be charged again for another 30 day period, unless there is a problem with your credit card information at that point (such as an incorrect expiration date), or unless you have 'cancelled' BEFORE April 3. Other membership periods are non-recurring. (If you took advantage of a one-time offer in December 2022 to buy a one-year membership at a reduced price, and you had a previously active membership, this over-rode your previous membership making the new renew date December 2023, as was explained on the webpage and shown in your Arena 'My Account' settings for expiration date).
NOTE: You do not have to be a member of The Arena to purchase products from BGEast or to rent the VODs that are made available on the BGEast website. You just get a lot more VOD options and better VOD rental pricing as an Arena member!
3. What is 'Free VOD For The Week'?
This a NEW FEATURE of Arena membership. We will make one of our classic VOD match rental products available FOR ONE WEEK ONLY, every week (usually on Thursday). This free VOD for the week will be temporarily available to stream ('rent') at no cost.
Keep your membership active and you can enjoy dozens of weekly free VOD matches. Or check out all the rental and Own-To-Arena Match and OTA full product options for purchase exclusively on The Arena. Also, check out Own To Arena full matches and products (see FAQ questions about these).
4. What is 'Own-To-Arena Match'?
Own-To-Arena MATCH is another NEW FEATURE of Arena membership. It now offers our Arena customers the ability to purchase selected SINGLE MATCHES from longer Own-To-Arena (or DVD) products, as streaming video matches to keep in your online "My OTA Match Library" FOREVER, here on Arena.
This is different from buying a whole product as an Own-To-Arena (OTA -- see separate FAQ question). It is also different from renting and streaming a match for 24 hours (Arena discount pricing), or for one week (Arena members only), because it never expires!
The match remains accessible at all times while you maintain an active membership. Keep in mind that if you buy an individual OTA Match for a product that also has a full multiple match product OTA, you will be paying more, so it buy the full product "Own To Arena" and have access to every match within that product in "My OTA Library".
Only individually purchased single matches appear in "My OTA Match Library". Not all OTA Matches have full products available yet as full-product OTA. Each OTA-Match page will show you if a whole product is available before you purchase the match. Also, not all VOD rental matches are available as OTA Matches yet. We add MORE EACH WEEK!
Keep in mind that some Product OTAs -- for example many Dark Knights, Gut Bash, and many others -- are single-match products, so these matches will appear in the full product Own-To-Arena section, not in this OTA-Match section.
5. How do BULK STREAMING DISCOUNTS and COUPONS work on The Arena?
This feature depends on the particular sale, but for Bulk Purchases, you earn a unique Coupon to use for a discount when you spend a certain amount on streaming products (OTAs, VODs, OTAMatches, or Match Samples) during a 24 hour period.
The time you have to reach the Bulk Purchase qualification is shown at the top of your Arena screen counting down 24 hours from your first purchase.
Tokens are counted as full dollars, so that if the amount to spend to earn a coupon is $150, you can purchase streams with either tokens or dollars via credit card and it counts equally (even though tokens are often cheaper than dollars because you can buy them in bulk!).
You will receive your Discount Coupon BY EMAIL after you have earned it, and your account will know that you earned it so it will offer you the option to 'add a coupon code' on every eligible streaming product. (Make sure your email address, where you receive receipts for purchases, is correct in your 'My Account' Profile Information next to your name; also check your 'junk' email in case you are not receiving our emails).
Copy and paste the coupon code from the email and add it in the field on any streaming product page where you see 'Have a coupon code?' If you put the coupon code in, and receive an error, contact us. If it is approved, the coupon is not USED until you actually buy.
The purchase using your discount coupon code is still a purchase, and begins another 24 hour period in which you can bulk purchase more and earn another coupon!
6. What are 'OWN-TO-ARENA' (OTA) product streams and how do they work? Do I have access to the product when I'm not on Arena or if my membership expires?
Starting in late 2015 BG East's full products, sometimes consisting of multiple matches, will be available NOT ONLY on DVD, but also on our new OWN TO ARENA system (OTA).
Arena members can now purchase certain full BG East products to their new Arena "Own To Arena Library" and stream them any time, whenever their memberships are active.
The OTAs that you purchase are associated with the USERNAME of our Arena membership account, so that if you ever cancel your membership, once it expires you will NOT have access to the OTAs UNTIL you RE-JOIN The Arena USING THAT SAME ACCOUNT.
You agree when buying an OTA that you only own this product's stream as a benefit of an active membership. This is an exclusive service for Arena members.
If you decide to cancel (and thereby temporarily suspend) your membership for any length of time, just re-join The Arena using the same Username (customer account associated with you), and your OTAs will be there in your OTA Library as before.
The right of that username/account, when it is an ACTIVE member of The Arena, to access those OTAs will never go away unless the account is permanently suspended. This is an Arena member benefit associated with your name/account. Just like access to most of our rental VODs at Arena prices is only available to active Arena members, access to any purchased Own To Arena products is also dependent on active membership. This is a lot like the Netflix system, and cable companies' 'digital download movies' in terms of requiring membership/subscription for access. Also, refunds are not given for any Own To Arena products once you have played them.
If you have any questions --or issues when rejoining The Arena after a period of inactivity-- please contact our office at and we will be happy to assist you!
7. Why won't it accept my sign-in information (member name and password)? Why do I keep getting the sign-up page?
When you join The Arena, it takes about 15-30 minutes for us to process your credit card information. After this time, you should be able to sign-in to The Arena using the exact username and password you chose in the Join Now screen. If there was a problem with your credit card information or the charge was declined for some reason (such as not using your correct billing address), you will be returned to the Join Now member application page so you can try a new credit card and submit the application to join again.
Otherwise, your sign-in will work as long as you use exactly the same username and password as when you joined. Please note that the username and password are both CASE-SENSITIVE (you must enter each just as you originally signed up, with the same capital letters, etc.). If you make a mistake, you will be returned to the sign-in page to try again, OR, use your browser's 'back' button to return and try again. Once you are in The Arena, you are at the 'Arena Homepage'. On this page you can access 'My Account' to change any information about your account (such as the credit card to bill for your renewal, or the expiration date of the credit card). You can also change your password. Your username cannot be changed. The only way to get a different username would be to join again, which would incur another charge.
8. The videos on Arena do not start playing when I click on them, or buy them-- why?
Our free video clips and our paid VODs and OTAs should start playing the moment you access them (in some cases depending on purchase).
On a pad or portable device, usually you must push the play button on the video, or touch the screen once, to make it start playback. Some phones will do autostart and some will not (check your phone information for settings options).
On a computer, playback should start automatically. However, Apple changed their Safari browser's playback defaults in late 2017, so you must click the play button (or anywhere on the video screen) to begin playback.
You can change the Safari Preferences under the Websites tab of Preferences, the AUTOPLAY section.
When you see under autoplay, change the setting to
“Allow all auto-play†and from then on you won’t have to tell Safari to play the video.Videos do playback automatically using PC browsers and using Chrome and Firefox on PC computers or Apple computers. If you don't want to change your settings, you can download either of these two browsers for free and use them with our websites!
9. MEMBERSHIP: Can I join without a credit card?
No, credit cards are the only way to join The Arena at All records are kept through our online system; your membership will be recurring based on the credit card you use. We apologize for any inconvenience this practice may cause.
10. MEMBERSHIP and STREAMING: How do I cancel my membership? What are your REFUND POLICIES?
To cancel, sign on, click on 'My Account' and press 'cancel' in the upper right.
Then you will not be billed at the anniversary date, which is 30, 90, or 365 days from the date you joined. Your membership REMAINS ACTIVE until that date, even if you cancel right after you join.
There are no refunds for membership purchases (this is stated in the agreement you sign as you join). Once you purchase a membership, it runs for the month (30 days), 3 months, or a year whether or not you use it. However, please keep in mind that you cannot transfer or give away your member information to anyone, as stated in the membership agreement you sign.OTHER PRODUCTS
We offer refunds for VOD rental purchases and OTA purchases if you are unable to stream the content using our service, on a case by case basis, but you must contact us by email ( or phone (781-293-1168) within 12 hours of your purchase to let us know that you have not been able to stream our content. 100% refunds for faulty DVDs are also available ( or our phone customer service). -
11. Is my credit card information secure? What about my address - will I receive mailings?
The credit card number is stored in a secure area on our database server. It is accessed when your membership is renewed automatically on the anniversary date of your first joining (30, 90, or 365 days later, depending on what you chose). Though the number is not completely visible on the 'My Account' page, you can change it if you decide, for example, to use another card at your next recurring billing.
Access to your account information is secure using SSL technology, and a padlock should appear (as it does in all the browsers we tested) when you enter 'My Account' page. Credit card numbers are not stored in cookies. However, we do use cookies to identify your member ID when you are signed on. See above, "How do I sign off?" for more information on the security issues this may create if you share your computer with others. Your credit card number is always kept securely.
We do not mail anyone who joins The Arena. The only people who receive postal mailings from BG East are those who have ordered materials from us and agreed to be put on our mailing list. If you are already a customer of our materials, joining The Arena will not change your status in this regard.
We may email you from time to time about updates to The Arena.
12. Why do I get a message about 'both secure and non-secure items' each time I change pages on the site?
This reflects the setting on the web browser software on your computer that alerts you when you are sending some secure information and displaying some non-secure information. In this case the secure information is your user ID which is transmitted each time you view a page of Arena. This alert most often happens on PCs, and can be annoying, but it can easily be changed!
To reset your browser, go into its Preferences or Internet Options menu. A good example: for recent Internet Explorer versions using a PC, under Internet Options, go to the Security tab and, with Internet selected as the Zone, click on Custom at the bottom of the window and scroll down to Miscellaneous settings, where there is a setting called "Display mixed content?". Choose the button marked 'Enable', which turns off the 'Prompt' button. This should solve the problem. Similar settings on other web browsers may require changing, but the security of your computer will not be compromised by making this change.
13. Can I download the video content, or the VODs which are offered for rent at on The Arena? Will videos work on my mobile devices?
You CANNOT download or store the online videos offline. Downloading video content is not a service we offer, and doing so in any way violates the user/customer contract you sign. Any sharing of video content without our written permission in advance is a violation of copyright! Unfortunately, many people illegally share video content on the web and we have had to work diligently to prosecute these because we only stay in business by serving the small market of wrestling fans who are willing to purchase our services.
We offer hours of free 'action video clips' to view online, as well as the opportunity to rent hundreds of our matches at discounted rates, either for 24 hours, or a 7-day rental (Arena only). All our video content is available while you have access to the internet for streaming, and the VODs are rented for 24 hour periods, or 7-day periods (Arena-only) and all this video content streams via the internet.
Because all our videos are STREAMED using an industry standard video player, this streaming system will work with most mobile devices as well as computers. Your 'browser' (the application you use to go onto the internet such as Explorer, Safari, Firefox, or Chrome, ) will alert you if there is an issue. Also we cannot guarantee that some devices will not auto-upgrade and their newer operating systems will not have problems. If you have problems within the first 48 hours of your purchase and we cannot help them resolve them, we will consider a refund if you have never been able to view the product you rented or purchased. Our FREE video clips are a good way to test before purchase whether your device will work.
14. What are all the free video options on Arena? What is the difference between an Action Highlights video clip, an Action Excerpts video clip, and a Trailer? How do they differ from Token-only Exclusive VODs like Holds Compilations and how do I find those easily?
Each week Arena now features a 'Free VOD for the Week' which is an entire match, but it is only free that week. Afterwards the usual membership discount rental fees apply.
Always-Free VODs is a section of Entire always-free matches are available to Arena members at all times, and consist of indie pro matches, classic shorter BG East matches, and other special match foOTAge.
Action Highlights are 4 minute short (5-10 second clips) from the action in the product, with real sound from the matches (no music). They give the highlights and give a good sense of the product, and stand alone as interesting videos.
Action Excerpts are 4-5 minutes of longer SAMPLES from each match on a product, so that you might get a 30 seconds to a minute long sequence, right from the product in question. These too stand alone as ways to enjoy some of the wrestlers and wrestling action in our products.Trailers are 2 minute sets of short clips with a music background, like a commercial. They are mostly of older products because most people prefer the Highlights with the real sound.
When the full product is available for streaming as an Own to Arena purchase (exclusively available to members for streaming forever), this will be indicated on the Action Clip or Trailer page.
Token-only 'Exclusive VODs' appear in the VODs section and are one of two types of rental streams: Compilations (15 minutes) that have been compiled from multiple BG East matches, or Single Matches that are shorter than our normal rental matches (which usually are over 20 minutes long), or of lower quality video from older cameras, and all these are only available for rental at a LOW token price. Holds like Bearhugs, Scissors, On the Ropes, Crotch Shots, and Muscle Worship are among the options.
15. What if I forgot my username or password? How do I 'sign off'? Why does it remember me when I go back to The Arena?
If you know you had or have an account and your forgot your username or password, you can go to the 'Sign in' page and click on 'Forgot your password'. You'll be asked your username, you can follow the link under the username to have an email sent with your username. Of course, you have to remember what email address you used in the past. If you have any questions, just email our office via
For member convenience in allowing you to return to The Arena shortly after a viewing session, 'signing-off' is optional for the first 2 hours. We use 'secure cookies' to identify members to our secure server (the computer where Arena resides). That means that your browser (AOL, Internet Explorer, Firefox or others) creates a cookie that 'remembers' your sign-in information so you can access the content for 2-4 hours. So if you want to go to Arena after that period expires, you will have to sign in again. However, if you would like to sign off at any time so your computer will forget your sign-in information, there is a Log Out link at the bottom of every page of The Arena.
There are several ways to tell your computer to forget your sign-in information so you will have to sign-in again (apart from waiting for the cookie to expire). In the 'preferences' or 'Internet options' menu item of most browsers there is a 'cookies' list that allows you to delete selected cookies, such as the ones from '' that would contain your stored member name and password for The Arena. Also, if you 'clear the cache' of your browser's memory (also in Preferences, usually), this should delete all cookies. Thus you have the option of preventing others who use your computer from having access the day of your session. Again, we designed this site for convenience of the individual computer owner.
Remember: if you are sharing your computer with others, not logging out would allow them access to your account information, if they decided to go to The Arena page within 2-4 hours of your sign-in. This is true of any similar site where you have allowed your browser to 'remember my password'. Though we expected most people would be using their personal computer for their personal home use, we want to assure people that their account information is stored in the secure area of the server using SSL technology and cannot be accessed except by a member while signed in, and the entire credit card number is not visible even to the member.
16. Can I use these pics on my site or share them online? Can I share my membership?
No. As stated in the membership agreement you sign when you join, you can download any photos from our site to one computer only, for your own personal viewing. You may not use any of the content of The Arena online, on websites, or by emailing or posting the photos or downloads to groups, or by burning to disk, without prior written permission (not email permission) from BG East, which is the sole owner of the images except where noted.
You also agree not to share your membership with anyone by revealing your name and password in any way. The Arena at BG is, we feel, a good product at a reasonable price, and as wrestlers, we are gratified to be able to provide this service. Please do not undermine it by breaking these legal requirements, or we will be forced to respond.
17. Can I pre-order or purchase DVDs or OTAs that are 'previewed' on The Arena?
When we provide preview clips or photos from BG East products that have not yet been released on our main website, we will let you know how to order them or whether it is possible to pre-order. Sometimes it will be possible to order these DVDs right away, or Own-To-Arena the full product as a benefit of Arena membership.
It's always a good idea to check your Arena homepage to see if there are new products that are not available to the general public yet (under OTAs on the homepage). Many products are available to Arena members a month before they become available to everyone else!
18. How do I find out what other videos a particular wrestler has been on?
If you are new to BGEast Wrestling and find a wrestler you are interested in seeing in action (or in another Action gallery from another match), you can get a list of the videos on which this wrestler appears by clicking on the 'BG East Home' link or going back to the At the bottom of every page on our main website is a 'Search' window, in which you can type the name of the wrestler (it's best to use last name only). This will produce a list of all the videos the wrestler appeared on. If you keep your Action Quicklist open while you do this, you can now see if there are other galleries with this wrestler using the alphabetical list of video product galleries. There may also be galleries for the wrestler in the 'Wrestlers Galleries.'
You can also return to the BG East main site at any time to buy videos or products, or find more images. Don't forget to check out the 'Wrestler Profiles' and the free 'Photo Gallery' on the main BG East site!
19. What video is this photo from?
Our Action galleries are organized by match and tape for your convenience, with links to the BG East site so you can order the tape. The thousands of photos in the Holds, Surprises, and other galleries are from a variety of BG East products and sources including vintage wrestling photos from the pre-video period of BGE history! These photos do not always correspond to video products. If you are interested in buying a video based on one of these pictures, contact us (see below) and we will do our best to identify the photo for you and possible tape. With so many photos being prepared to add to our galleries it may take a little time to get back to you, so thank you for your patience.
20. Can I contact your wrestlers?
Many of our wrestlers list on various wrestler personals websites, and that is by far the best way to get in touch with any who wish to be contacted. Please do not send emails to the wrestlers at our address; we respect our wrestlers privacy and cannot forward these.
21. What are Streaming V-Tokens and how do they work?
V-Tokens are an alternative manner of renting Video on Demand (VOD) matches on Arena, and also of purchasing 'Own-To-Arena' (OTA) products. TOKENS are pre-purchased credits that you use - similar to dollars - to rent Videos on Demand, including Arena's exclusive "V-Token-only" video content (special holds compilation VODs, special matches, etc). V-Tokens can only be used to rent VODs or OTAs, but they cannot be used to purchase DVDs or other products, or pay for membership.
Your V-Tokens are tracked in your account and the running tOTAl will be displayed at the top right hand portion of the web page when you are logged on to The Arena. View Streaming Video Purchases in the My Account section will keep track of the VODs you purchased and differentiate between ones you purchased via your credit card or via the V-Token system.
Though they are cheaper than $1 each when you buy in bulk, for purposes of calculating how much money you have spent for BULK PURCHASE discounts (within a time period), they are treated as dollars.
V-Tokens are linked to one specific account and may not be transferred to another Arena account.
22. How does one purchase V-Tokens?
There are two ways to purchase V-Tokens.
In the upper right hand corner of The Arena web page there is a box where you may purchase V-Tokens. Just click on the "Buy More V-Tokens" link. (Note: there is a limit to the number of Tokens you can purchase in 24 hours, to prevent fraud).OR
Once you click on the VOD you would like to rent, you will find an option to either rent the VOD using the credit card tied to your Arena membership OR use V-Tokens. If you chose to use the V-Token option you may:
Rent the VOD with the V-Tokens you have in your account,
Purchase V-Tokens and rent that particular VOD, OR
Purchase V-Tokens that will be added to your account (without purchasing that particular VOD). -
23. Why should I purchase and use V-Tokens?
Pre-purchasing V-Tokens will save you money. There are various package increments available to you. The larger the package increment the larger the discount you will receive. Additionally, certain VODs will only be available for rental using V-Tokens. These are 'Token-VOD Exclusives.'
Note: to prevent fraud, there is a limit to the number of tokens you can buy in a short period of time. (You can purchase enough to watch nearly all our currently offered VODs though, so don't worry! You can always top up your account later)
- 24. Has the price of VODs changed because of the V-Tokens option?
25. Can I use the V-Tokens on the site?
Yes, you may. However you will be limited to the VOD selections that are on the site at that time and the price will not be the discounted price you would receive as an Arena member.
26. If I have a problem with The Arena, how do I contact BG East about it?
If the above information has not answered your question, the best way to contact us about The Arena is to write to the following email address:
27. Why won't Arena let me rent a VOD at this time? I just rented one minutes ago but now it won't let me!
To prevent fraud, you are limited to 3 VOD rentals per hour. If you watch the videos you have just rented, you should be able to rent another one by the time they are all done playing. There is also a limit per 24 hour period. This also helps prevent other members from enjoying the video playback at the same time as you enjoy your rentals.
28. What is the '20% off a DVD or OTA while renting a VOD from that Product' member discount and how does it work? Does this discount work on the Product Focus Sale?
Renting Videos on Demand from The Arena not only gives you a greater selection of matches, and lower prices than non-members might pay, but it also entitles members to a discount should they decide to buy the DVD/OTA the VOD match appears on!
During your VOD rental period (24 hours), you have the option to buy the full product (DVD or OTA, if one is available) which that VOD match came from for 20% off the regular price. It's your chance to sample a DVD you might like, or to own a VOD match that you really enjoyed while renting it, on DVD. Just click on 'buy this product' at the bottom of the VOD rental page at any time during your rental period, even hours after you have watched the VOD (but no more than 24 hours after your rental began!). The discount will be applied automatically.
However, note that the 20% off for rented VOD's may not be combined with other discounts. The Current Product Focus Sale (that changes with every other weekly update) allows you to buy that Own To Arena (OTA) at a 30% discount, and you do not have the option to add another 20% discount if you rent one of the matches on that particular product. You get the best deal buy buying the entire streaming OTA in almost every case, but if you prefer renting one of the matches to see if you like the concept, then 'upgrading' by buying the entire OTA, or the OTA-Match (when available-- more are being added all the time!), the full-product OTA or the DVD can be purchased at this 20% VOD-to-Full Product discount (except where noted above).
29. What is the difference between labels on the VODs and OTAs, like: "ARENA Exclusive," "OWNED-Play Now!" and "New!!"
'OWNED - Play Now!' or 'RENTED - Play Now!' refer to products that you currently have access to on Arena. For a rental, there is an expiration date. For Own-To-Arena (OTA) full products and Own-To-Arena Matches, there is no expiration date and you have access to these any time your membership account is active (dues paid). The OTAs do not go away when your membership expires, but remain attached to your membership so when you reactivate it by re-subscribing on the same account, the OTAs are still there in your Arena Libraries. VODs will be 'RENTED' and available for 24 hours or 1 week depending on the rental fee you paid. You can check any previous purchase in the Order History tab of 'My Account'.
'ARENA Exclusive' refers to a VOD or OTA Match that is only available on Arena, and not available at all on (some pro wrestling series, some Arena-only matches). These are a member benefit for The Arena and they will not be available to the general public.
'NEW!' or 'Exclusive Preview' refers to a product or VOD that is exclusively released on The Arena prior to the general public's access on the main BGEast website. It will remain as an Exclusive Preview until it is released to the general public, when it becomes 'NEW!' for that week's update.
'Featured VOD' refers to a VOD that has beeen re-released for streaming in the latest update.
'NEW!!' can refer to VODs from Our Latest Catalog, conveniently pointing out the VODs from the latest released BG East catalog, even though the VOD page shows 'Newest Action
© 2025 BG East Wrestling