Backyard Brawls 6
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Opportunity Knocks, or, Getting Hammered...
Duration: 31 minutes
While he may look young, Len has been with BG East for a comparatively long time. He has suffered his share of defeats, but has also gained a great deal of experience. Andy is slightly heavier than Len, but has not wrestled as many matches, which was all too obvious when A…See the action now!
Experience vs Youth - Which Will Be Triumphant?
Duration: 33 minutes
Christopher Bruce is a familiar face to any BG East fan. He’s wrestled a long time and has had experiences that most wrestlers can only dream of. Denny Cartier, relatively new in comparison, has a strong amateur background and a growing pro wrestling history. He's a…See the action now!
All-Canadian Night Crawlers: Setting the Stage
Duration: 33 minutes
While most of BG East's outdoor matches are taped during the bright daylight, at night sometimes a different kind of wrestling beast will emerge. And sometimes the most unlikely of guys, the calmest, the coolest, the most centered, transform like the stalking werewolf of l…See the action now!