Demolition 27
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A Goodman tearing a Good Boy a New Ass
Duration: 30 minutes
Everyone loves a good origin story. Take, for example, the storied career of the sensationally sexy heartthrob and kissing bandit, Christian Taylor. BG East fans have followed the evolution of this tall, lean, fierce grappler for years. He has starred in some of the most p…See the action now!
A Date with a Swirly
Duration: 40 minutes
Turn the clock back about 7 years, and you'll find Cameron Matthews admiring his tan, gelling his hair, and studying the beautiful form of his own spectacular ass in the bathroom mirror. At this point in his career, Cameron had not yet completed his full metamorphosis into…See the action now!
The Stark, Cold, Naked Truth
Duration: 31 minutes
Drake Marcos has longed to dig himself out of his jobber pit and throw down legitimate credentials as a competitive babyface brawler for years. Only two things have persistently gotten in his way. One persistent obstacle has been the incredibly high caliber of opponents he…See the action now!