Demolition 29
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Killing Machine
Duration: 24 minutes
This battle starts before Brute and Zip enter the ring, before we even see them coming. We hear Zarella squawking his tonsils out and pleading for mercy off camera. When the fighters do show up, Baynard is as red in the face as Zip is ghostly pale. What the triggering offe…See the action now!
Two Golden Boys and a Hotshot Finish
Duration: 22 minutes
The opening shot reminds us of what a specimen of manly pulchritude Kip Sorell is. He stretches, and the outlines of abdominals, ribs, raised nipples, and iliac furrow stir up fantasies of ancient Greek palestrae. We think, "Too bad such an Adonis must be demolished." Aust…See the action now!
Ex-Jobber vs Ex-Jobber
Duration: 26 minutes
Each time Brendan Byers shoves Kirk Donahue into a corner, the mustachioed jobber gets more irate. Did we say "jobber"? Shouldn't that be "ex-jobber"? "Heel"? With Kirk it's a coin toss these days. Big, meaty Brendan perked up when he heard his opponent's name, thrilled to…See the action now!