Gazebo Grapplers 16
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Gazebo Grapplers 16
Access Gazebo Grapplers 16's Streaming Videos!
There Can Be Only One (Ginger)!
Duration: 27 minutes
Canadian beauty Blaine Janus has shocked and awed more than his fair share of opponents in the BG East gazebo. Incredibly fit, with the cheekbones of a male model and a healthy appetite for pain (both giving and receiving), the handsome Canuck has proven time and again tha…See the action now!
You Can Take the Pro Wrestler Out of the Ring, But...
Duration: 25 minutes
The BG East gazebo poses some unique challenges and opportunities to wrestlers. The venue would seem to clearly favor mat wrestling specialists like Denny Cartier, with its absence of ropes, turnbuckles, and springs that make professional wrestling in a ring such a differe…See the action now!
The Rookie-Wrecker and the Big Catch
Duration: 26 minutes
Jake Jenkins likes rookies. He likes the taut feel of their inflexible bodies as he bends and breaks them. He likes the sound of their clumsy thumps when he slams them to the mat. He loves the sound of stunned respect creeping into their voices when they suddenly realize t…See the action now!