Gut Bash 12
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Nobody Can Hurt You Like Your Ex-Partner
Duration: 31 minutes
Chet Chastain chuckles when he sees his on-again, off-again tag team partner Brice Moore arrive at ringside. "Look who finally decided to show up!" Chet smirks. Chet and Brice have had a long standing love/hate relationship, with a heavy dose of "hate" lately souring the p…See the action now!
Kids These Days
Duration: 29 minutes
Pro wrestler-turned-bodybuilder Lon Dumont can put up with a lot of shit. Insult his shaggy head of hair, and he'll laugh it off. Make fun of his height, and he'll stare way up at you and shrug his sculpted shoulders, unfazed. But imply that his competition-ready, ripped-t…See the action now!
"Are you a poser or a wrestler!?"
Duration: 34 minutes
Van Skyler likes the way he looks, and by the reaction of BG East fans to his recent wrestling debut, so do you. The very definition of a ripped rookie, Van's luscious, pouty lips and bulging muscles instantly turned this sexy stud into one of our hottest commodities. Ther…See the action now!