Hunkbash 21
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Breaking Out the Hard Stuff
Duration: 26 minutes
Beautiful bodybuilder Gunner Baer is an all-American hero in red, white, and blue trunks. He is a study in contrasts. Gunner's cherubic face seems mismatched to his magnificently muscled body. He embodies both innocence and dangerousness. Gunner's wrestling career is still…See the action now!
Empires Rise and Fall
Duration: 35 minutes
The many fans familiar with Damien Rush and Biff Farrell will be unsurprised to see them starring in a hunkbash. More suspenseful, however, may be discovering which of these mouthwatering muscle hunks is bashed, and which one does the bashing! Damien and Biff have both…See the action now!
Making it Feel Like the First Time, All Over Again
Duration: 30 minutes
Brad Barnes is making a habit of starring in our Hunkbash series. It's easy to see why opponents predictably salivate at the mere mention of an opportunity to sink their teeth into Brad's beautiful body. His spectacularly square jaw and perfectly proportioned pecs give him…See the action now!