Jobberpaloozer 16
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BAD Luck o' the Irish Hipster
Duration: 30 minutes
Two men, opposite corners of the ring, warm up and ready for combat. They sneak glances at each other as they stretch and get their blood pumping, Bryan Idol with the long locks of a heavy metal star, Kirk Donahue playing up his Irish heritage, with his shamrock earring an…See the action now!
Rookie Wrecker
Duration: 23 minutes
Lon Dumont has never gotten the respect he feels he's entitled to around the BGEast compound, and he doesn't understand it at all. Does he not have the body of a god, with practically no body fat and ab definition so deep you can stick fingers in there? Is he not a master…See the action now!
Beauty Brings the Beast
Duration: 29 minutes
There's no question that genetics blessed Richie Douglas. His handsome face with its deep dimples, his sparkling eyes, the gorgeous smile, and the perfectly proportioned body make him one of the prettiest wrestlers to ever grace the BGEast arena. Even Toney Rico, a nasty r…See the action now!