Jobberpaloozer 8
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Christian Science Manhandling
Duration: 30 minutes
Early in his career, Christopher Bruce took some of the most amazing beatings ever enjoyed by the gang at BG East - till the day he packed his gear and hit the road. Flash forward a few years, and Chris is even more muscular and sexy than ever - and back at BG East, a new…See the action now!
Don't Mess With My Mirror Time, Little Boy!
Duration: 29 minutes
Cameron Matthews is one of the newer kids on the BGEast block - a sexy and skilled youngster with an insatiable appetite for ring action, pro and private. He'll try anything and he'll wrestle anyone - regardless of size, skill or age. He wants to be the best, and will do w…See the action now!
Hammer Time! or, Bad-Ass Backdraft!
Duration: 42 minutes
The bronze medal young Jonny won at the Out Games this past summer was a huge boost in confidence for the young stud. His skill has come a long way from the days when he was willing to do yard work and janitorial duty in exchange for ring-time - and all that hard work has…See the action now!