Old School Meets New 1
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Old School Meets New 1
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"Old School Tough v. Baby Face Fierce"
Duration: 32 minutes
There are those who hold that the glory days of wrestling were the 1970's. Skotch English is one of those wrestlers. He grew up watching the stars of that time, and wanted to be just like them - just a tough guy without much of a gimmick, other than the slow, methodical de…See the action now!
When Stars Align
Duration: 34 minutes
At long last, the match everyone's been clamoring for! Two of BG East's sexiest and biggest stars, at long last, facing off in the ring! In one corner, there's Sexy Alexi, the big Russian stud with a so-so record and a chip on his shoulder the size of Siberia. Throughout h…See the action now!