Wrestleshack 18
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An Air of Intimate Domination
Duration: 22 minutes
Here at BG East, nearly every venue inevitably brings out an atmosphere of intimate domination. Men pitted against each other, fighting for pride or prizes, it's no wonder so many combatants' struggles give way to more passionate overtones. More than the ring or the mats…See the action now!
The Best of Both
Duration: 35 minutes
Beauty comes in many forms, and in this match we see shining examples of two very differently but astonishingly beautiful young men. For BG East fans, neither probably needs any introduction but both certainly deserve them. The first to enter the Wrestleshack is Christian…See the action now!
"I'm Gonna Tear You Down..."
Duration: 38 minutes
Len Harder may have taken his licks before, receiving beatdowns from such legends as Kid Karisma and even the infamous Kid Vicious, but agreeing to a match with Morgan Cruise has got to make you wonder if he isn't just a greedy, little glutton for punishment! Cruise has ma…See the action now!