Hunkbash 18
Own-To-Arena Streaming Video
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Duration: 24 minutes
Biff returns for his tenth BG East match, facing newcomer Lazlo, fresh from his recent debut on Masked Destroyers 1. These two wrestlers are closely matched, though they look made for each other, in an iceberg/Titanic sense of the phrase, and this is great news for the fans who have been begging for Biff to take on more wrestlers in his own weight and muscle class. After…See the action now!
Duration: 29 minutes
Viggo returns for his second BG East match, tanned and rested and ready to brawl. He takes on a debuting Ronaldo, a hot-bodied wrestler similar in size and build to Viggo, but lacking Viggo's experience and ring savvy. Ronaldo is alone in the ring, flexing and practicing his fight face, psyching himself up for his first BG East contest. It's clear he's in love with his m…See the action now!
Duration: 34 minutes
Jonny executes 24 or 26 holds in this 33-minute match, depending on how you want to categorize iron claws and piledrivers, or the seven distinct holds in just the first eight minutes alone! We know. We counted them, and those are legitimate (or "mostly legitimate") grappling holds, not counting the myriad pro assault moves: punches, kicks, stomps, slaps, elbow drops, bal…See the action now!