Ringwars 34
Own-To-Arena Streaming Video
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Duration: 28 minutes
Chace is taking up Zach's training time, and Zach is hogging Chace's mirror. Zach Reno protests: "Nobody cares about your muscles." Hurtful words, and untrue, as LaChance's legions of fans will certainly attest. "I don't pose at the mirror by myself - I WRESTLE," Zach declares with the fervor of a true wrestling purist. "Oh, you must not know who I am," Chace replies, "b…See the action now!
Duration: 33 minutes
Jonny and Cameron were babies when they shot this match, in many ways. The ink on Jonny's back and left arm wasn't even dry yet. Jonny still had his classic babyface look, but the germs of the heel he was to become were germinating, and fast. The two work out at opposite ring posts, Cameron pulling resistance bands, and Jonny jumping rope. Then, with no provocation, Jonn…See the action now!
Duration: 29 minutes
Brace yourself for an edgy and exciting contest. Two young, very eccentric wrestlers, both somewhere off the heel-babyface scale, face off in one of BGE's legendary fight spaces. In the past year, Kirk Donahue has advanced strikingly as a ring presence, in behavior sometimes through-the-looking-glass heel-like, and with the elocution and mustache of a sideshow barker, ci…See the action now!